To perform the multi-satellites situation analysis in frame of the MMSAT it is necessary to determine the name of the "campaign", the list of the satellites, the favourable spatial positions (FSP) criteria and the list of the ground based observatories(GBO) if necessary.
The satellites included in the list can be divided for two classes (determined by indexes: 1 and 2). It permit to assign various FSP criteria for the satellites with different indexes.
The FSP1 and FSP2 criteria contains the list of the favourable geophysical regions and the list of the favourable range of value for some list of the critical parameters.
It have to be mentioned, that FSP2 selection for the satellites with index 2 is applied only on the time-intervals already selected (on the base of the FSP1 criterion) for any of the satellites with index 1.
The results of the investigations by MMSAT are shown for each month separately on the standard home page.
All the used lists mentioned above (satellites, criteria and GBO) are available on this home page, as well as the descriptions of the plots and numerical files.
For more information about main ideas of the multi-satellites situation analysis see the following MS PowerPoint Presentation: