The FSP ASCII file description

For the selected UT time-interval the co-ordinates of spacecraft are shown with 10-min step. For each moment the date and time are shown in format as follows:


for each moment in the columns the following information is shown:

REG               - the geomagnetic region in the spacecraft position,  

R (Earth's radii) - the spacecraft geocentric distance,

Rx = sqrt(Ygse X Ygse + Zgse X Zgse) - the spacecraft distance from Xgse axis,

Xgse (Earth's radii)         - SC position  

Ygse (Earth's radii)         - in the 

Zgse (Earth's radii)         - SE C/S, 

Ygsm (Earth's radii)         - (Xgsm = Xgse) SC position  in the 

Zgsm (Earth's radii)         - GSM C/S 

GMLAT (deg)       - the spacecraft geomagnetic latitude, 

GMLT (h)          - the spacecraft geomagnetic local time, 

CORLAT (deg)      - the corrected geomagnetic latitude,

CORMLT (h)        - the corrected geomagnetic local time

In case any of the mentioned parameters is not determined, 99.99 replace its value.

The region designations used in the numerical files.

The simulative geophysical region models.