The PRASSADCO program for the STAFF instrument on the DSP equatorial spacecraft
Ondrej Santolik (
), Charles University, Prague
19 March 2004
Processing of STAFF FFT (Double Star) calibrated data
from level 2 binary files. These file are generated by the fftl2 program (Keith Yearby, University of Sheffield).
PRASSADCO is a computer program designed to analyze multicomponent measurements of electromagnetic waves.
It implements methods used to estimate polarization and propagation parameters,
such as the degree of polarization, sense of elliptic polarization and axes of polarization ellipse,
the wave vector direction. The results can be represented in different visual and numerical formats.
- Download files,
pra_template.ini, and
- Under IDL (ver 5.5 and higher) type pras,'040213fft_example.dat'
- A new ascii log file
a new binary data file
040213fft_example_1254_1259_sm.dat, and
a new resulting postscript file will be generated in the same directory.
- The same procedure can be used for different level 2 files.
- ... The main IDL procedure (Parameter: name of the level 2 binary file, Uses: read_fftl2.idl)
- read_fftl2.idl ... IDL library of PRASSADCO and read_FFTL2 procedures.
- pra_template.ini ... Configuration file (ASCII) defining the output postscript file.
- 040213fft_example.dat ... An example of the level-2 file for testing purposes
(obtained from data measured on 13 February 2004 using the fftl2 program ver. 1.06 with command line parameters
-b 0:400 -l 6.0 -h 040213WH.NA1 -n 040213WN.NA1 -o 040213fft_example.dat -s 12:55:00 -e 13:00:00).
- guide.pdf ... PRASSADCO documentation (Cluster version) - a 2 MByte pdf file.
Can be used to modify pra_template.ini
Additional links:
Example of the output for the test data file 040213fft_example.dat:
Other examples of the output: