VERSIM 2024 First Announcement -- March 2024

The 11th VERSIM Workshop will be held September 30 - October 4, 2024, in Breckenridge, Colorado, USA.

The VLF and ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres (VERSIM) international community studies the behavior of the magnetosphere and

ionosphere by means of ELF and VLF radio waves, both naturally and artificially generated. Since 2004, VERSIM workshops have been held every two years

in unique international locations. They are the occasion to present and discuss recent results and new techniques, and encourage collaboration within the

space physics community.

The 11th VERSIM Workshop will solicit papers discussing recent results and ongoing research related to:

 i) VLF and ELF wave propagation in the ionosphere and magnetosphere;

 ii) wave-particle interactions;

 iii) wave-induced particle precipitation;

 iv) results of recent space missions;

 v) simulations, data assimilation and machine learning applications;

 vi) waves in other magnetospheres; and

 vii) active experiments in space and laboratory plasmas.

Contributions in other related areas are also more than welcome.

The website will also serve as the registration and abstract submission portal. Abstracts are due June 20, 2024, and early bird registration closes August 15, 2024.

Where will our next workshop be? -- December 2023

We are happy to announce that the dates and location for our upcoming workshop have *mostly* been fixed!

The 11th VERSIM conference will take place at Breckenridge, Colorado, USA tentatively from 30 September to 4 October 2024.

Please make sure to wait for confirmation from the LOC (should be coming shortly!) and keep up with upcoming news on our email newsletter and website.

Copyright © VERSIM 2022 - Last updated: July 2023